Friday 17 February 2012

Black Wednesday for Council tenants

Time was when you were both proud and fortunate to get a Council house. Now that things aren't so easy, benefits are being cut and the Government says a Council tenancy shouldn't be for life, what does Bolsover Council do? Does it extend a helping hand in a time of trouble? Not exactly, on Wednesday morning the Council nodded through an average rent rise of 9% for Council tenants. For some it'll be over 10% and just to add insult to injury, warden and other charges will also be increasing by up to 26%. Feels more like an iron fist than a helping hand to me.

I've spoken to some tenants in Whitwell about this decision and they are both shocked and appalled. They tell me they have never been consulted and ask what on earth is happening to all their money. We are always told most of the Council's budget goes on staffing but no increase at all is predicted for Council staff so where is it going?

Of course if the Council let some of the 149 odd houses standing empty it would help relieve the pressure on rents as would cutting some of the fat, like the £150,000 budgetted every year for "Other Miscellaneous Expenses" but much of the money is being squirrelled away into a fund to build more Council houses. Now I'm all for that but why should only tenants pay for them? - after all they are the ones who already have a Council house! Why doesn't everyone in the District contribute like we do for hospitals, schools and even Housing Association properties (who get grants from the Homes and Communities Agency)? Surely that would be fairer?

The consequence of this short-sighted policy will be to push yet more tenants into benefits ready to fall off a cliff when those same benefits are cut. And it won't even help the Council. With average rents increasing to £74.39 per week it is inevitable that more tenants will get into debt and houses will be harder and harder to let. The Council's budget even calculates just how many will get into debt.

Perhaps the saddest thing of all on Wednesday was not the lack of support from either the Labour group, the Independents or the Residents Association Councillors to my call to cap increases at 5% but their collective failure to acknowledge the pain and distress that their increases will cause. It was as if they didn't want to talk about it. Some even tried to barrack me when as I carefully explained how a pension increase of 5.2% and a rent increase of 9% spells misery to a pensioner.

May-be its time for a bit of old fashioned tenant action to make Bolsover Councillor's realise that Council tenants are not all on benefit. Many tenants have small savings, or miners pensions, that make them ineligible and feel every extra penny charged in rent. They expect a Labour Council to stand-up for them against Coalition policies. Other Councils are rejecting these increases - and it was clear at the meeting that the Leader was well aware of this growing movement. If Labour Councillors in Bolosver can't stand-up for tenants and reject these rent increases, tenants must start to wonder whether they have the stomach to fight for anything........................other than their own allowances of course.

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