Wednesday 6 June 2012

Cluck, cluck

What happens when a Council, assessed by its own auditors as having had an “inconsistent and unsatisfactory approach to performance management” for several years, tries to cut corners?

We all know that times are tough but when last year I challenged the Labour leadership of Bolsover to accept independent advice and save over £400,000 by reducing their basic allowances I was ignored. Instead they made what they like to call “efficiency savings” by declaring a number of posts in the cleansing, grounds maintenance and housing repairs services redundant. Revealing that Labour Bolsover is similar to Coalition Britain in that whilst we may be “all in this together” some are more “in it” than others.

This year the chickens have come home to roost and residents can see for themselves how “efficient” the Council’s cuts have been. However looking at the length of the Council’s grass at the Jubilee street party in our village however we won’t be able to see any chickens at all. And it’s the same story right across the District of Bolsover. I’m told that one excuse is that it’s rained a lot this year. I think it also rained last year before Bolsover cut its Grounds Maintenance staff.

Long grass is unsightly but other cuts are more dangerous. Just two months ago the Council’s internal auditors looked at the arrangements for ensuring all Council homes with gas appliances have their statutory annual service. They found the service wanting giving it the lowest categorisation of “unsatisfactory” which means it has major risks” requiring “fundamental improvements”. Here’s a flavour of what they found:

“A sample of servicing records for thirty properties was examined. In eleven instances servicing took place over twelve months after the previous service, all were less than a month overdue.  It was explained that the delay in servicing was due to the length of time taken to replace an engineer who left the Council.”

So be warned when they tell you that their “efficiency savings” can cut front-line jobs without affecting services, or that they can make oodles of cash from property deals, if you look up the sky is black with chickens coming over the “horizon” already.

1 comment:

  1. They didn't get where they are today by listening to the electorate
