Saturday 16 July 2011

The experts agree

Regular readers (ha ha) will know that I've put down a question for the meeting of Bolsover Council on the 20th July drawing attention to the fact that it has the highest basic allowances of any District Council in England. This morning, five days after the question was submitted, a report from the Council's remuneration panel came through the letter-box, and surprise, surprise, they also think the allowances are too high and should be cut by 46%.

I wonder what the Council will make of it all next Wednesday - I'll let you know.



  1. Thanks for the newsletter delivered this evening, very interesting, I hope that you able to send these out on a regular basis.

    Typo on your blog address on page 2 though (or a redirect is not working), it took a few minutes to search out.

    I read with interest your lifting the lid article, and was quite astounded with the amount held in reserve of /for MTFP. I assume that the current success of the new recycle collection policy i.e I see more purple bins on the street compared with small blue boxes, must mean more recyclable waste is being collected, therefore the council are receiving extra funds also from that, will the council tax payer see some rebate from that source of income or is the councils current plan to use that to top up the bank accounts also ?

    All the best

    Mike - Holmefield Rd

  2. Hi Mike - sorry about typo thanks for telling me, still wearing blogger L plates.

    10/10 for spotting the bins - saves the Council £100K this year £200K next year and on - part of the £2M savings so hug your bin.

    Best wishes and thanks for the comments

    Duncan - hoping that the post to my own blog actually work this time.......
